Survey Results

Figures of Study

This survey received 3 responses from 3 countries: Australia, Brazil, Serbia

Question 1 asked Who are the main anthropological figures (researchers, theorists, activists, etc.) that you study/discuss in your classes?

This was a free-response question. Responses said:

  • It depends on the course. In mandatory courses on Anthropological Theory (I-IV), we focus a lot on the European and US usual suspects (Evolutionism, Culturalism, Structuralism, Interpretativism, etc). Elective courses are more diverse as I always include Latin American, African and Asian authors - event thgouh many of them are based in the US, given that those who are not have not their publications translated into Portuguese. (Brazil)
  • There would be hundreds. `Main figures', if any, vary by topic. (Australia)
  • W. H. R. Rivers, Clifford Geertz, Mary Douglas (Serbia)

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